Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Card of the day - The Magician

Today I am using the Druidcraft tarot deck to get some insight into the key themes of the day.

The Magician is card number 1 of the tarot trumps. This is quite interesting as yesterday we had drawn the last trump, the World, signifying the completion of an important phase or cycle. Card number 1, on the other hand, signifies the conception of a new idea, a fresh start, a new phase or cycle that has been started through conscious action on your part.

This is the time to focus your will on whatever it is you want to accomplish. You may have a strong realization of your own power today and an idea of what you want to do next. You may have a sense of how you can influence things and people to serve your purpose and achieve your goals. You would know exactly what words, gestures and subtle suggestions would work in your favour and give you the desired results. Just keep in mind the huge responsibility that goes along with this power. Question yourself about your own authenticity and integrity and examine your motives before taking action.

Astrologically this card corresponds to the planet Mercury which relates to the intellect and communication. Quick thinking and effective communication skills will give you a strong foundation in which to make your desires a reality. This is the time to be charismatic and confident, put all your resources to work and act with conviction.
Have a great day!

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