Monday, October 26, 2015

Tarot card for Monday - Queen of Swords

This whole week I am using my trusty favourite - the vintage Rider Waite tarot deck for insight into the daily themes and influences.

Today's card is the Queen of Swords and this suggests a deep need in your life right now for clarity of mind and truth. Often we lose the sense of purpose behind our actions, going haphazardly  from one experience to another, reacting to events and situations rather than acting with intent. This Queen appeals directly to our rational, intelligent mind and urges us to act with integrity.

This card is a reminder that now is not the time to be emotional or let your emotions cloud your reason. You may have to take a firm stand today or make a decision. Do not hesitate to do the right thing and look to your head rather than your heart for guidance. You may need to also inspire others to do the same. Your words today will have the power of truth and thus may cause some discomfort, especially to those who are living a lie. Do not try and take the easy way out today by being diplomatic. It's time to speak your mind.

You need to tread an independent path today and show inner strength and fortitude. Let this Queen illuminate your mind and direct you to the truth.
Have a great day!

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