Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Two of Swords and The Tower

Today I am using the Anna K tarot deck to get some insight into the opportunities and challenges of the day.

The first card is the Two of Swords and this is about resisting the emotional force of your subconscious mind. There is a sense of enforced peace and harmony about it. You may be reluctant to take a stand today or form a judgement about someone or something because it might disturb the delicate balance of things. Decisions with the most emotional impact are the toughest to take and today you may feel that by avoiding such a decision you are able to preserve peace. You may not want to get involved for that reason. Just keep in mind that non participation may seem like the best choice for you at the moment but it would be a temporary reprieve. Sooner or later you will have to act or participate in someone else's actions as life cannot remain at a standstill. The way out for you is to detach yourself emotionally from your situation and understand that true balance will come only out of resolving your differences not by avoiding or ignoring them. Resolution, whenever it happens, will be an important step forward in your situation and lead to growth. Right now, if buying some time lets you prepare yourself mentally for what lies ahead, take a breather and analyze things logically and dispassionately. The answer will come from within.

The other card is the Tower and this symbolizes the reaction that may bring about resolution and change in your situation. The explosion shown in the image is symbolic of the repressed emotions and false appearances that you may have allowed in your life. Anything with a weak or false foundation is bound to crumble sooner or later. Sometimes that is all we need to make a fresh start in life or recognize a need for transformation. It may not necessarily be something dramatic or even major, however, there will definitely be a strong realisation of your true purpose and whether or not your present way of life supports that purpose. A minor challenge at work can bring about this realisation as much as a major relationship crisis. The important thing is to recognize that you are being offered a chance at renewal. The tower represents the structure of your life that was already crumbling, only now it seems struck by lightening, not destructive but illuminating. Be prepared to act upon such a realization today and change old patterns that are not serving your purpose.

This is a day with the active energies of air and fire elements that have the potential to bring about some turbulence. There may be slight discomfort at the unexpected nature of some events, however, those events will bring about true harmony and peace of mind in the long term. Remain open and willing to learn from all life experiences and have a great day!

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