Saturday, September 12, 2015

Nine and the Three of Cups

A splash of colour was in order after a week of serious contemplation of light and shadow energies and so I decided to turn to my colourful Morgan Greer tarot deck for some insight into this weekend.
Cards of the day : Morgan Greer tarot deck

The first card is the Nine of Cups and this one represents pleasure and emotional contentment. Your cups of happiness are full and flowing. There's a general feeling of relaxation and good cheer and you're ready to let your hair down after a week of hard work. This is a wish fulfillment card so expect some desires to come to fruition. Rekindling old friendships and romance is likely as you are generous with your affections and uninhibited in expressing your love. Even if some of you are not out celebrating with friends and family but alone at home, there's an air of self indulgent comfort about you and simple acts like enjoying a meal or drink, watching a movie or just lazing around the house seem to fill you with great joy. Enjoy this moment for it is as fleeting as it is real. Don't forget there is always a Monday just waiting round the bend to end the party so while it lasts, make merry and spread the happiness around.

The other card is the Three of Cups and this too is a very positive card, showing abundance, enthusiasm and emotional connection with friends or family. Make sure you get plently of that and have a blast sharing stories and anecdotes with friends. You're promised a shoulder to cry on in case of need. It's time to recognize and appreciate your emotional support system. Business networking would also work in your favour. There's not much chance of anything coming in the way of your enjoyment this weekend. The only thing to avoid is overindulgence of any sort whether it is related to diet or emotional expressions. With all those cups filled to the brim anyone could go overboard. Eat and drink in moderation, especially the latter as you could spill over a lot of water energy in your exuberant state so spirits may need to be kept in check this weekend :-)

A fun filled, emotionally satisfying and exciting weekend awaits you. Do not wait to be invited into the sunshine party, be your own sunshine if required. Celebration starts the moment you decide to enjoy every moment of your time so do what makes you happy and leave all cares and worries for the next week.
Have a fantastic weekend!

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