Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Guidance and the Mind

Today I am using my Osho Zen tarot deck to get some insight into the positive and negative energies of the day.

The first card is Guidance and this represents the quality we need to embrace today in order to bring ourselves into a zen like state of calm. This card is the Three of Pentacles in a traditional tarot deck and it shows a woman being gently but firmly guided towards a source of light by an angel. We often get such inspiration within our heart that keeps us on our path and does not let us get distracted from our goal. It may be easier today to complete some unfinished tasks as you are nudged in the right direction by a mentor or someone you look up to. The inspiration may also come from within as you keep yourself focused on the job at hand and concentrate on doing your best work. Be grateful for any advice given by others and learn from any criticism given in a positive way. Allow yourself to be guided by those who have more experience and expertise than you and try to do the same for those who are less experienced than you. It does not even have to be a person, it could be a plan of action that provides the requisite guidance today - a project plan, a brief or a set of instructions that you are supposed to follow at work. Follow the guidance given and you'll find it easy to get through any tangles.

The second card is Mind and this is the Page of Swords in a traditional tarot deck. It represents the quality that can disturb our serenity and peace of mind today. As seen in the image, a lot seems to be going on in this person's mind. There is too much thinking, analyzing, processing and too little room for real understanding that comes simply through experience. It seems this person is in a hurry to know everything right now. There is an immature quality about the hyperactive mind that causes immense misery. This is a situation in which mind is controlling the person instead of the person controlling his or her mind. Avoid giving up your power. Understand that the mind cannot 'do' anything, it can only 'think' and thoughts can be changed. Make a conscious decision today to unclutter your mind of thoughts that are not immediately relevant or are destructive of your peace. Stop analyzing or making judgements about things and people, you cannot understand everything through logic. Trust that the right information will be made available to you at the right time and you need not work everything out yourself in the present moment.

The overall message these cards have for us today is to let go of any mental processing and keep yourself focused in work. You will be shown the way, just keep going along knowing you're on the right track.
Have a great day!

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