Saturday, September 19, 2015

Eight of Wands and the Ace of Pentacles

It's the turn of my Morgan Greer tarot deck to give us some insight into the energies of this weekend.

The first card is the Eight of Wands and this represents the elemental energy of fire. Astrologically this is Mercury in the zodiac sign of Sagittarius and stands for movement, growth and swiftness especially with regards to communication and work plans. This could manifest as an important information or news coming your way, plans materializing, projects taking off and completion of milestones. There is an abundance or rather a surge of energy, especially with regards to beginnings and endings of a task or goal. Things will get fast tracked and set in motion. However, you may be a bit impatient and reluctant to wait, often wanting quick results. You will be quick to organize events and plan exciting, adventurous activities today. You may have a ton of ideas in your mind but remember to focus your intellect on a chosen few areas otherwise you may end up scattering all that energy. Your positive outlook and enthusiasm will inspire others and help you materialise plans.

The other card is the Ace of Pentacles and this represents the elemental energy of Earth, concerned with all practical, physical matters in the material realm. Aces are all about new beginnings, opportunities and initiatives. There is a feeling of security, satisfaction and blessing about this Ace. It brings a gift of abundance in all earthy matters of your life such as health, finances, resources connected with the homestead and family relationships. You may have to work your way towards this kind of abundance, it may not always be given on a platter but every little effort in the right direction will be worthwhile. You may have to dig deep into the ground to reach the treasure but rest assured that it is there. Focusing on what you want to manifest in your life is important. A monetary opportunity may also come your way, a raise or bonus, or a gift from someone special. This is also an opportunity to recognize the areas of your life where you are blessed with abundance and keep them protected. Simple moments of fun with friends and family will bring much cheer. Spending time outdoors in natural surroundings will bring you the gift of health so step out  and enjoy the wind and the sunshine as you bring on the weekend.

The fire and earth energies of wands and pentacles promise a weekend full of action with just the right amount of grounding needed to materialise your dreams. Watch out for any important communication, idea or news that might bring an interesting opportunity. Have a lovely weekend!


  1. What does it mean if both of these cards showed up for me in reversal for a particular career path?

  2. The Eight of Wands is often called a card of speed, swiftness, expectations and divine timing. With the Ace of Pentacles there is a good beginning, projects go to completion as planned, expected results are seen, goals achieved. In reverse this could signify delays and practical may not be smooth sailing. Eight is a number of power and efficiency, consistent hard work will be needed to make plans a reality. Communication and paper work will also be important may put a spanner in the works if not paid attention to.

  3. Helloooo. This both showed up for me up right.. any clarification?
