Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Awareness and Going with the flow

Today I am using the Osho Zen tarot deck to get some insight into the opportunities and challenges that we may experience during the course of the day.

The first card is Awareness and this corresponds to major arcana card number 7, the Chariot, in a traditional tarot deck. This card is all about awareness of the dichotomy that exists between our real self and the ego, the body and the mind, and taking control of the conflicting voices of our conscious and unconscious minds to forge ahead. In everyday situations it bodes success in all endeavours, especially professional ventures, victory over adversaries and leadership qualities. You will be in total control of your emotions and focused on your goal today. There might be distractions pulling you in different directions but you will be able to rein in all obstructive influences through your will power. An inner knowledge will guide you and propel you forward, giving you full confidence in your own abilities. You will be able to overcome any minor hurdles and annoyances today with your mature understanding. New professional opportunities may come your way and a work related trip is also likely.

The other card is Going with the Flow and this corresponds to the Ace of Cups in a traditional tarot deck. As depicted in the image this one is all about letting up control and letting the current take you wherever possible. The challenge is in recognizing where you want to go and consciously moving in that direction rather than drifting aimlessly. This is a contradiction of the previous card in many ways although both are about the same elemental energy of water. Water is free flowing and prone to scattering itself; however, when directed with purpose it is a formidable force that not only knows how to find its way to its destination but has the power to destroy all that comes in the way. The challenge is in harnessing this tremendous water power that manifests in the form of emotions, feelings, relationships and inner knowing. There may be a sense of drifting today, a sense of letting things be and giving up control, however, there is also a desire to carve your own path and this is where Awareness can lift you out of your ennui and take charge of life. Be aware of your strengths and weaknesses and draw a definite plan with regards to what you want to do and where you want your life to go.

A day where your feelings and emotions will provide the much necessary impetus to your spirit and drive. Making a goal and sticking to it will be important today to avoid dissipation and waste of time and energy. Remember nothing can manifest in reality without action so act in full faith that you simply cannot go wrong.
Have a lovely day!

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