Sunday, July 17, 2016

King of Cups and the Three of Wands

Here's your tarot forecast for the upcoming week. I am using two cards from the Waite Smith Centennial tarot deck for this reading to get an overview of the energies playing out this week.

Card 1: King of Cups - This card brings an element of healing and understanding. It's all about staying in control with your emotions and subconscious feelings as these may still be lurking behind the scenes. You may get some kind of help in dealing with emotional issues, perhaps a sympathetic friend or elder person who can help bring clarity to something you have been dealing with in an immature manner.

You yourself could also be playing this role to someone in need so it is important not to get drawn into other people's affairs too much or you could end up bringing your own emotional dramas to the surface. The energy of this King is best for helping others and taking a broad view of relationships rather than sorting out trivial personal issues.

Card 2: Three of Wands - This card is about expanding your conscious awareness in the light of your experiences. This is a symbol of Sun in the zodiac sign of Aries, the one concerned with asserting your individual identity and fulfilling your spiritual purpose in life.

You are fearless, dynamic and full of optimism about what is to come. You hope for the best possible outcome in every area of your life. It's also a very positive card for success in ongoing projects and getting expected results from recent endeavours. You are now ready to leave the past behind and focus determinedly on your future goals.

This week there is a clear shift in your inner landscape from the water element of the King of Cups to the fire element of the Three of Wands. After resolving complex inner feelings you move to a more dynamic and active state of mind and assume greater responsibility for your actions. Stay centered and empowered as external events bring these changes to effect. Have a wonderful week!

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