Monday, July 11, 2016

Ace of Pentacles and the Four of Pentacles

Here's your tarot forecast for the upcoming week using two cards from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck.
Card 1: Ace of Pentacles - This week starts with renewed focus on everyday matters and material possessions including money matters, health and the homestead. This is one of the most earthy and grounded cards in the minor arcana and often may be rooted in mundane happenings rather than something profound or exciting. Nevertheless, it acts as a foundational step to greater material security and brings a sense of connectedness to life.

This card also shows up as a reminder to keep up your basic routines no matter how pointless or excruciating they may feel at times. It is important to go through these seemingly monotonous routines as this is the 'watering-the-plants' stage of your life with much to look forward to at a later stage. Keep yourself motivated as you go about with present hardwork. It's the key to future happiness and well being.

Card2: Four of Pentacles - This card suggests a secure establishment of the life you want to lead, a consolidation of resources you have been gathering for a while and a sense of order. Astrologically, this represents sun in the zodiac sign of Capricorn so there is stability, security and groundedness in your life this week. In matters of work you would be methodical and adopt a more conventional approach, no risk taking at this time.

In personal relationships you may be reserved, inclined to preserve peace and maintain the status quo rather than stir things up for adventure. Try and remain open to the emotional energy of others instead of closing yourself off or taking things too seriously.

This week you may want to consciously remind yourself to do things with more passion than you feel. Keep a lighthearted approach to things and try and think of ways to make your everyday routines more fun and joyful. Have a wonderful week!

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