Saturday, November 7, 2015

Weekend tarot card - Ten of Cups

A beautiful picture of joy and contentment, the Ten of Cups, from the Robinwood tarot deck, is the card for this weekend.

The card depicts a simple feeling of contentment and joy, however, just as the rainbow is seen after a time of rain, cloud and maybe a storm, this joy may have come after a period of emotional turmoil and hence is to be cherished. In this sense it may signify the end of chaos, disharmony and discontent.

One important message of this card is that happiness needs to be expressed. Astrologically it is representative of Mars in Pisces. So Piscean qualities of receptivity, understanding and empathy with find expression through the passionate energy of Mars. You may find it easy to show affection and intimacy this weekend. You may want to spread the spirit of joy and celebration around and reach out also to those outside your immediate circle. Contact with people will bring much satisfaction today and you will be willing to share some of the abundance you feel now with others.

This is a good time to plan events and outings with family. The rainbow you see today may be fleeting and disappear soon, however, this contentment in your inner life would surely bring a more enduring sense of balance in other areas. It may be your spouse or your children, your friends or your parents, your colleagues at work or a caretaker; take some time to express your gratitude to those who bring a ray of sunshine in your life.
Have a lovely weekend!

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