Friday, November 6, 2015

Tarot Friday - Six of Wands

Today's card is the Six of Wands from the Robinwood tarot deck. This shows a time of success in your life with recognition of your efforts and respect for your achievements by people around you.

Astrologically represented by Jupiter in the zodiac sign of Leo, this card shows you as the natural leader and centre of attraction. Your self confidence is at an all time high and is based on a genuine pride in your talents and abilities. You know you are worthy of all the adulation coming your way at this time. You are ready to provide a capable leadership to your team and such an offer is very likely to be made. Professional growth or a promotion, completion of an important milestone, a successful business deal or negotiation and success in examination are other possibilities with this card.

Just remain aware that the kind of success represented by this card is event based and in direct correlation to the efforts you have put in so far. By its very nature this success parade is transient and the feeling of being on top of the world would soon change into something more mundane as the moment passes. Do not let this affect you too much as you celebrate your victory. Especially guard against an exaggerated sense of self worth which may cause difficulties with people at a later stage.

It's a time to enjoy the success of your recent endeavours and celebrate the feeling of achievement, no matter how big or small it is. Let your exuberance and self confidence guide you towards your future goals with even greater focus and determination.
Have a great day!

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