Saturday, November 14, 2015

Weekend tarot card - Six of Pentacles

This weekend's card is the Six of Pentacles from the Druidcraft tarot deck. This card is about giving back some of what you have received from the world in order to maintain the sense of balance, both within and outside yourself.

The image shows an old man giving to the needy. You may give or receive assistance in the form of money, knowledge, physical resources, time or emotional support. This is also about your perception of abundance and lack. See which side of the card you find yourself on.

The way in which balance is achieved may not seem exact but it would be fair. You will be given help if and when you are really in need of it. Likewise you may have to allocate your resources or prioritize between different areas based on what needs more effort and attention.

This weekend is a good time to be generous and give out freely to those who are in need of  your support, material or emotional. If you have been ignoring someone's needs because of lack of time or energy, make up for it now and shower them with care and affection without holding back. You will see much of it returning to you as goodwill and blessings always do.
Have a lovely weekend!

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