Friday, November 13, 2015

Tarot card for Friday - Seven of Pentacles

Today's card is the Seven of Pentacles from the Druidcraft tarot deck and it seems to be suggesting a feeling of impatience that has its origin in unrealistic hopes and expectations.

You may have been quite enthusiastic about something and having done as much as you planned to accomplish you are eager to see the results of your endeavours. So what if you do not see them coming? Do you lose heart, get demotivated and quit halfway? Or do you keep going anyway and not letting circumstances and unfulfilled hopes get in the way of your dreams? How you choose to act at a time when things are not exciting or go to plan will determine the long term worth and success of your goals.

The key message of this card is the recognition of the significance of time. There's an old saying, when the fruit is ripe it will fall. It's no use plucking it before its time, your taste of it will only be bitter. The sweetness will come at the appropriate moment. So what should one do when when forced by circumstances to just wait for the right moment? Maybe, simply doing what needs to be done in the present moment will take the focus off something indeterminate and put it back on our own actions.

Attaching yourself to results of your past actions is not going to work in your favour. Do something constructive and keep yourself busy in routine work if you find yourself getting stuck or just waiting for something today.
Have a great day!

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