Saturday, October 3, 2015

Queen of Pentacles and the Seven of Wands

I am using the Radiant Rider Waite tarot for some insight into the energies this weekend.

The first card is the Queen of Pentacles and this represents all things in the physical, material realm such as money, health, the homestead and our day to day interactions with colleagues, friends and family. This is a fairly positive time to invest in some financial venture, assess your income and expenses and take care of all your physical assets including your body, work resources and your immediate environment. There is a strong feel of nature and nurture about this card. Spending time in natural surroundings may be therapeutic. If you have people under your care, including children and the elderly, make sure you're available for them and are able to provide the resources they need. In addition take time to nurture and pamper yourself. Prioritize for some alone time by enlisting the help of others and make sure to attend to your personal needs as you handle various responsibilities. Going out for a family outing or meal is likely. You will be eager to shower care and attention on others today as you feel good about yourself and the abundance in your life.

The other card is the Seven of Wands and this is about some kind of struggle for self importance. You may have some issues with self esteem this weekend and try to compensate for it by either assuming a more than usual assertive stance or being overly emotional or caring towards others. Try not to get involved too seriously in every single argument, save your energy for the battles that truly matter to you. Try also not to bend over backwards for others' sake so much that you neglect your own health and peace of mind. Avoid being too touchy about what people say to you in a casual manner. You may have to consciously remind yourself of the need for a balanced, win-win kind of approach. There will be high energy and this will enable to you handle any situation in a mature, responsible manner. Only remember not to go to extremes this weekend and remain playful through it all.

The Queen of Pentacles is a very earthy, feminine energy with a practical, sensible attitude towards life. The Seven of Wands is Mars in the zodiac sign of Leo and while it gives vigour and strength it may also point to some inner insecurities and egoistic behaviour. Both cards remind you to take care of your body and mind even as you are blessed with good health and vitality. Make enough time for relaxation and fun and have a lovely weekend!

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