Friday, October 2, 2015

Four of Wands and Justice

Today I am using the Robinwood tarot deck to get some insight into the important themes and influences of the day.

The first card is the Four of Wands and this is all about recognizing and celebrating a moment of beauty, freedom and joy. Astrologically, this is Venus in the zodiac sign of Aries. Venus stands for love and warmth in relationships and wholehearted enjoyment of the good things of life. It is the planet of good luck and beauty and brings much cheer and lightheartedness in the midst of our mundane cares and concerns. Aries brings qualities of great energy, vigour and vitality. You may celebrate completion of a milestone today or commemorate an event. Good time to take your relationship to the next level, renew your vows or re-establish contact with good friends or close family members. You may have a sense of freedom after a period of hard work and feel good about your achievements so far. Some of you may participate in community events or personal or private functions to show your support to a cause or person.

The other card is Justice and this represents your readiness to commit to an important cause or a new direction in your life. Astrologically, this is associated with the zodiac sign of Libra which is ruled by the planet Venus so we see a similar theme echoed here of good luck and appreciation for beauty, truth and positive thinking. You may experience a moment of mental clarity today with regards to the consequences of your actions and will be inspired to set things right or make amends for past mistakes. Relationships may see some breakthrough moments such as resolution of conflict or taking a fresh approach to things. There will be forward movement and growth in your plans for the next stage in your life. A good time for entering into contracts and settlement of any legal disputes. Make sure to act with integrity which is another key message of this card. Be fair even if you are emotionally disinclined to do so. Your words at this time can have varying implications so be mindful of how you communicate today.

Overall this week is ending on a very positive note with an empowering message that positive action will bring positive results in your life. Remember to celebrate your little successes and share your joy with others. Have a great day!

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