Thursday, September 3, 2015

Two and the Ten of Swords

Today I am using the Morgan Greer tarot deck to get some insight into the energies of the day.

The first card is the Two of Swords and this is representative of the Air element which plays out in the realm of thoughts, communication and decision making. As seen in the image of the blindfolded woman holding two swords crossed against her chest there is a sense of vulnerability about this card. You may find yourself vulnerable to conflicting thoughts or torn between two choices. This is the classic dilemma caused because of the perception of duality. Right or wrong, good or evil, sensible or foolhardy, you just cannot seem to make up your mind about something. And because of a heightened awareness of your fears and insecurities around the issue in question, your instinct for self preservation may cause you to avoid facing the reality of your situation. That may the the best way for now. Avoid taking sides or getting into an argument today. Your best bet is to defer action until you are more sure of which way you want to go or until more information becomes available. Avoid taking a decision in this state of mind, make sure you are aware of the facts before taking the plunge in any direction.

The second card is the Ten of Swords and this may look rather bleak at first glance but it's not a hopeless situation. The number ten suggests both the ending of a cycle and beginning of another. This card shows a night scene but far out the horizon one can see a new dawn breaking. And the swords that have struck the figure in the card down represent thoughts or words that can leave you wounded and without hope. But losing hope is pointless and that is the message of this card. Whatever pain your recent situation might have caused, whatever hurt sharp words might have inflicted upon you, remember the pain and the hurt is coming to an end. There are two ways to deal with tragedy, to grumble about it and crumble under its weight or to learn a lesson and earn experience. Today is a day to recognize any pattern in your attitude toward challenges. Do you allow yourself to be struck down and lose hope? Or do you understand that this is just a phase that will pass soon and make you a stronger, more resilient person. Avoid self pity and thinking you are singled out for difficult times. Remember your pain is the result of too many swords bearing down on you and swords are thoughts and thoughts can be cast aside. Shift the energy by consciously transforming your negative thoughts into positive affirmations.

Overall it is a day where much would depend on your perception of things and whether you accept reality or turn away from it. The figures on both the cards are unable to face the truth and that may be the reason for their predicament. Open your eyes to the truth, acknowledge it and move forward with faith and courage.
Have a great day!

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