Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Six of Wands and the Fool

Today I am using the Druidcraft tarot deck to tune into the energies of the day.

The first card represents the positive aspects of the day, the strengths that you can leverage and the opportunities that may manifest and it is the Six of Wands. Astrologically, this is Jupiter in Leo and represents the Fire element at its best. It is a card of professional success and personal glory.
You've won the battle and are poised to receive recognition for your efforts. You have confidence in your abilities and an innate sense of worth that radiates in your personality. Now is the time to truly bask in the sunshine and celebrate the moment. You may have completed a milestone or brought an issue to closure. However minor the task may be it gives a huge boost to your self esteem and is positively uplifting and inspiring. There is a quality of a natural leader about you.

Today is the day to enjoy your success without any misgivings about whether you deserve it or not. Deep inside you is an awareness that you deserve to take pride in your accomplishments and the compliments coming your way. This is not an accidental victory gained by good fortune, it is the result of a lot of struggle, perseverance and  hard work. Remember that if you feel too heady in your exuberence or find it hard to keep your feet on the ground. Remember also that once the celebration is over you will need to sustain this high level of competence. So enjoy your glory and share it with the people who look up to you.

The other card is the Fool and this represents the energy that may hinder us or prove challenging today. I feel today the Fool's purpose is cautionary rather than pointing to actual hindrance. It tells you to guard against over confidence and not do something foolish with complete disregard to consequences. Take calculated risks, not bizarre leaps of irrationality. The Fool is also about complete, unshakeable trust. You may want to avoid that kind of naivety today. Have faith in the basic goodness of people but avoid being taken for a ride. Especially be cautious around someone who you have reason to doubt.

Overall, the day holds a lot of promise. Fire and Air are both active and compatible elements, signifying enthusiasm, creativity, an outward focus and boundless energy. Make good use of this energy and have a great day!

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