Sunday, June 5, 2016

Page of Cups and the Ace of Pentacles

Here is your tarot forecast for the upcoming week using two cards from the Rider Waite tarot deck.

Card 1 - Page of Cups: This week again we have a Page as the first card which shows something new coming your way. Cups in tarot represent the water element and are symbolic of the energy of subconscious influences, emotions, deep feelings and sensitivity to the environment. These matters may play an important role this week and you may pick up on information of a subtle nature such as moods and feelings of people around you and be more influenced by them. Your creative impulse may be stronger at this time and new ways of doing things may come to mind. Relating to other people will be easier and communication will flow easily. Just try not to get too affected by your surroundings or take on other people's emotional burdens.

Card 2 - Ace of Pentacles: Aces in tarot signify beginnings and as Pentacles are concerned with the most earthy and material aspects of life, this week you may find new opportunities in this area. Money, health, day to day work activities and long term relationships will remain in focus and demand time and attention. This Ace is one of the most grounded one and hence its effects may manifest in a very mundane manner. This is the time to plant a new seed which means careful attention to detail and a practical, down to earth approach is required. It may take a while before you even think about reaping the harvest, now is the time for putting in consistent hard work.

Both the cards suggest a passive, receptive and nurturing quality this week. Any inspiration or idea you have must be put to good use so keep your focus on the bigger picture, accept new experiences with a positive mindset and do what you must, even if the effort causes some minor inconvenience.
Have a wonderful week!

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