Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Tarot card for Tuesday - Ace of Pentacles

This week I am using the classic Rider Waite tarot deck for insight and the card of the day is the Ace of Pentacles.

All Aces in tarot signify beginnings, potential and opportunities. As Pentacles deal with the material and physical aspects of life and carry the energy of the Earth element, this Ace brings an opportunity today to connect with the earthy side of life.

For most people, nothing could be more earthy than carrying on with their monotonous, routine daily tasks. Indeed, this particular card may manifest as anything from the most mundane to the most magical experiences. So today you may want to discover the real magic of life in those mundane aspects that you are often prone to overlook as insignificant.

Appreciate the routine and the steady today because that is the foundation for everything life has to promise. Often we tend to find ordinary life boring, predictable and uninspiring but that same ordinariness gives us the desire to go beyond and seek adventures and challenges. The deeper the roots of a tree go down the earth, the more expansive it becomes in the sky. Recognize what it is that keeps you rooted and strengthen it.

This card also represents money and financial security, the gift of good health, assistance in work and desired results so some of you can look forward to these gifts. A time to count blessings and see the  abundance in your life.
Have a great day!

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