Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Three of Rods and the Page of Swords

Today I am using the Anna K Tarot deck to get some insights into the opportunities and challenges we might experience during the course of the day.

The first card is the Three of Rods and this is a wonderfully apt card for opportunities of all sorts. You are driven by a strong primal urge for action and exploration. Astrologically, this is a representation of Sun in the zodiac sign of Aries, associated with all kinds of initiatives and grand plans. There is fiery passion in your heart to achieve your goals and your enthusiasm is inspiring. If you are awaiting the result of any endeavour you can rest assured it will be positive. You are fearless, magnetic and adventurous today with plans of expansion and a long term vision on your mind. Experiences will be enhanced by your confidence and exuberance. Professional and personal successes, whether big or small, seem not only possible but quite real now as you make future goals. Put this high energy to good use today and aim big.

The other card is the Page of Swords and this is a different energy to the Three of Rods. Pages represent potential and opportunities for growth but they are an immature form of energy that needs time and resources to develop. Swords are connected with the mental and intellectual realm and represent the energy of thoughts and communication. One of the challenges of this card is to direct the raw mental force of your thoughts in a mature and focused manner. Avoid rushing into things about which you have incomplete information. Trust experience and intuition more than half baked logical assumptions. Avoid being too judgemental or hastily drawing a conclusion. Take some time to ponder over the long term consequences of your actions and avoid being too direct or blunt when dealing with people, especially superiors. If this attitude is shown by someone else try not to take them seriously and do not let them distract you from your goal.

Overall the day brings some strong, active energies and opportunities for growth. The power of your thoughts and goal directed action will help you to manifest all that you desire. Have a great day!

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