Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Seven of Pentacles and the Page of Cups

I am using the pretty Crystal Visions tarot deck to tune into the positive and negative energies of the day.

The first card is the Seven of Pentacles and this represents the opportunities that may manifest today. And today I get a sense of several options being made available for you to choose. This could be with regards to money, health, family relationships and all material and physical asssets you own or work with. So you would have access to many resources today and may feel the need for a change in your lifestyle patterns. You could be in a contemplative mood as you review and assess your priorities and consider the different paths available to you to make that change you desire. You may be feeling a bit stuck and bored of the stability your current life has offered you so far. You know deep down it may be time to move on to something else but you may feel reluctant to rock the boat and take some concrete action in that direction. Take your time and consider all options carefully and with a long term view of the consequences. You may need a short break to rejuvenate and get a fresh perspective on things so do something light and relaxing today to recharge your batteries and come back feeling energized.

The other card is the Page of Cups and this carries the energy of the water element that is not yet fully developed. It relates to the emotional and intuitive aspect of your personality and has a very soft, receptive quality about it. You could find your feelings susceptible to outside influences today so avoid being too sensitive or taking things very seriously. There may be a heightened awareness of your vulnerability at this time and you may feel dependent on people close to you for constant reassurance. You may also go through some mood swings during the course of the day, getting inexplicably joyful one moment and despondent the other. This may be a little annoying to those close to you. If someone is curt to you as a result of this try and not take their sharp words to heart. The Page of Cups is also a card of creativity so you may find new, creative ideas come easily to you today. Just make sure to back some of those with action otherwise they may not materialize in a real sense.

Both Pentacles (earth) and Cups (water) are passive, receptive energies so you may feel energy and passion a bit diminished today. However, there is a good balance between the emotional and the practical so you would feel grounded and a sense of security. Try and avoid actual decision making before you have thought well about the matter and weighed all pros and cons rationally. Take the time to explore more about the issue that is bothering you, playing close attention to your gut feelings.
Have a great day!

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