Monday, September 7, 2015

Guidance and Schizophrenia

Today I am using the Osho Zen tarot deck to tune into the energies of the day and see what opportunities and challenges we have in store.

The first card is Guidance which corresponds to the Three of Pentacles in a traditional tarot deck and this represents the opportunities we can leverage today. Guidance is about trusting and having confidence in your own abilities. This is a very earthy energy so all practical matters involving your day to day work, finances, health and the homestead are involved. It is important to be vigilant about these areas of your life and work towards making them better. You have to constantly strive towards improvement in these areas and every little effort counts. In addition you need to consider established expert opinion on these matters and work according to a well defined plan. Follow the guidance that is traditionally considered a best practice in these areas when in doubt. If it's a health related issue on your mind consult a doctor. If finances need sorting turn to the best professional in the particular area. Not getting the hang of things at work? Seek your bosses' opinion on the best way to tackle it. The best advice comes from experience so value it in others and add to your own. Today is a good opportunity to enhance your understanding of things and build up your skills.

The other card is called Schizophrenia and it is the Two of Swords in traditional tarot. It shows a man suspended between two cliffs and hovering far above the clouds with the classic dilemma of man - to be or not to be. To go right or left, to jump or remain hanging, to hold on or let go. These questions, whenever we are confronted with them, cause a feeling of great unease and cloud our mind with a tangle of desires and expectations. There is a sense of division, as if you've been split into two. Taking a tough decision means choosing one road to travel and forgoing the other. No matter how much you defer the decision, you know you cannot do so indefinitely, so look deep within your heart and trust your instincts to tell you which way to go. When there is no rational way of finding the truth, let go and listen to the voice of your intuition, it's soft but crystal clear. Stop thinking so much about pros and cons when it is not helping you and just go with the flow of things. Open your eyes to the truth and see the signs the universe is trying to show you.

There could be some mixed emotions today as your energies manifest in the physical and mental realms. Try and get a feel for things on an emotional level today instead of just looking at it practically or intellectually. Your feelings about a particular situation or person may hold the key to greater understanding. Have a great day!

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