Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Death and the Four of Cups

Today I am using the Hanson Roberts tarot deck to get some insight into the opportunities and the challenges that may come up during the day.

The first card is Death which astrologically corresponds to the zodiac sign of Scorpio and represents the opportunities. Although the word sounds threatening, this has nothing to do with actual demise. Death stands for endings and as ending of something heralds a beginning of something else, this has more to do with regeneration and transformation rather than destruction. It signals that something in your life is coming to a natural, logical end and must be given up to make way for a new beginning. Often our first reaction to change of any kind is fear and resistance, and that, more than the actual event, is a cause of pain. When we give up resisting against the forces of nature and allow energy to flow freely we realize the higher purpose behind things that seem out of our control. The end is not only necessary it is often the only way to maintain order in what would otherwise be a very chaotic environment. It may cause temporary unease but it leads to harmony and balance in the long term. If there is something in your life that you need to let go, do it now. Understand the significance of letting old patterns die and making way for inner transformation. Acceptance of higher forces is important today in order to go forward.

The other card is the Four of Cups and this being the effect of moon in the zodiac sign of cancer leads to your going inward and seeking deeper meaning into what's going on in your outer environment. You may be aware of a certain sense of disillusionment or boredom with what you can see of your life at the moment. An undercurrent of dissatisfaction may be palpable although there is logically no reason for you to feel so. You may be reluctant to let go of some past issues or memories. Spend some quiet time alone today to analyze your feelings about the past and why you are holding on to it. Understanding the need to let go and taking the steps to do so is important. There may be some interesting opportunities for you around so do not miss them. Analyze the past and will yourself to move on and live in the present moment. Remember that your resistance to change that is inevitable will not prevent it. It will only prolong the agony and confusion. The sooner you accept that life has only forward to go the easier the transition will be.

Both the cards represent the elemental energy of water which means the focus will be on matters of the heart - your emotions, relationships and inner life. Your attitude towards change and how you face it will give you a deep awareness of your unconscious desires and motives in life. Move on with confidence and the knowledge that even if you do not have control over external events, you certainly have a lot of power within to think and act consciously, knowingly, fearlessly.
Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Wow....right on...I pulled these 2 cards in the midst of a transformative time, just as I was resisting letting go of a stagnant outlook and a troubled relationship. Your interpretation is very helpful. Thank you!
