Friday, August 28, 2015

Page of Air and the Six of Earth

Attitude is everything. It's also a key to all our experiences and ultimately determines how we perceive the truth in our life. With that in mind I consulted my Angel Tarot deck today for insight into the energies of the day and the attitudes we need to embrace or shed in order to make the most of our experience.

The first card is the Page of Air and my attention is drawn instantly to the unicorn's horn that is sparkling against a backdrop of a misty, dark sky. All the figures on this card, human and animal, seem to be looking straight ahead with conviction and self assurance. This conviction stems not from actual knowing but from believing in your righteousness and from a certain naivety and innocence that values high ideals and honesty above everything else. Pages are about potential and opporunities for growth and this being the Air element there is an opportunity to use and develop your intellectual faculties and communication skills. You need to be actively observant, curious and expressive about life today as you keep an eye on such opportunities. Strike up a conversation with someone you've been meaning to know for a while. Speak your mind in your weekly team meeting. Voice your opinion about a cause. You may not know everything about the subject but by putting yourself out there you will learn and experience much more. It doesn't matter how many twists and turns you have to take to arrive at your truth but you will get there as your experience grows. Do not be afraid to think and speak for yourself.
The inscription on this card says: "Challenging information. Delays or changes to plans. Truth delivered without tact." And the attitudes it asks you to cultivate are to be: "Logical, Honest, Impulsive, Curious".

The other card is Six of Earth and this represents the attitude to shed. This card traditionally is the Six of Pentacles and it is all about giving and receiving some kind of assistance or gift. This help is usually in the realm of physical assets or tangible and intangible benefits like money, resources, time or knowledge. If you are the giver it would represent your charitable side and if you are receiving it asks you to receive with grace and gratitude. However, there may be undercurrents of dark impulses behind the seemingly benevolent nature of this card. Are you 'giving' unconditionally or are there strings attached? Are you keeping someone in the dark about the real motive behind your generosity? And if you are the receiver, are you sure you are not being trapped into an exploitative situation? These are some of the questions that can come up when this card shows up. As for the attitude that we need to shed, I believe this points to our habit of judging a book by its cover. Appearances are deceptive and if you base your judgement on them there is a likelihood of disappointment. So shed the tendency to take things on face value and use the sword of the Page of Air to cut through false illusions.

I feel the big lesson for today has to do with going deeper and discovering the truth. Be observant today and notice any inconsistencies in behaviour and words, yours or others' and use your cool rationality to get your mind back on the right track. Have a great day!

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