Thursday, August 20, 2015

Moment to Moment and Celebration

I'm using the Osho Zen tarot deck and I have drawn two cards representing the strengths and weaknesses we need to be aware of today.

The first card is named 'Moment to Moment' and it shows a man stepping on cobblestones floating in what appears to be rainbow hued waters. His situation demands concentration and balancing and he seems poised in the posture of a ballet dancer. He seems focused on his action and yet, he appears relaxed, almost playful as he negotiates his way among the undulating path. The card evokes a feeling of balance and going about your work with lighthearted ease and the intent to have fun. This relates to the two of pentacles in a traditional tarot deck and suggests the polarity and choice aspect of number two. So you may find your situation today as needing that kind of balance and a skillful managing of multiple tasks and responsibilities. However, these responsibilities will not weigh you down and you will manage to have some fun along the way.

The card representing weakness is surprisingly 'Celebration', which is the three of cups in a traditional deck and a very positive card indeed. However, since it is in the shadow position I believe it is pointing to a feeling of lightheartedness and casualness that may interfere with your responsibilities today. So while you go about your work today, resist the urge to laze about and spend a good chunk of your time making merry with friends in your productive time. The best time to celebrate is when the work is finished or you reach a certain milestone so watch out for those teeny time crunchers that can seem like fun but cause stress later on..need I mention Facebook, googling celebrity birthdates, tea time that never seems to run out of anecdotes to share with buddies..etc..etc?

Overall, the day has a bright, youthful, cheery, emotionally satisfying feel to it. Make the best of this energy and have a great day!

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