Saturday, August 29, 2015

Five of Pentacles and the Hermit

Duality is actually an illusion. Men vs women, light vs. dark, good vs. evil..we get so caught up in the  contradictions in these images that we often forget that it is one and the same thing, only viewed from a different lens.

So when I receive a card with negative overtones, in a positive position, it always makes me smile rather than cringe because it helps me realize the possibilities that are not immediately apparant and are hence so much more interesting and enlightening. The Five of Pentacles is the card that I got from my Anna K tarot deck to represent the opportunities of the day and if you look at this card you can immediately get a sense of bleakness about it. The card shows two figures huddled outside what looks like a Church, destitute and forlorn in a snowy night. Clearly they are not welcome inside the safe and cosy edifice. Besides, one of the figures seems physically challenged or injured. Opportunities? Hardly!

And yet, there is something very comforting about this dire situation. There is a companion and a trusted one, someone who is sticking by you even when the world has turned its back on you. Someone who loves you and would support you in all circumstances. Look around you and see if you can recognize this kind of support behind you today. It could be a person or some kind of physical asset you own or even your good health that gives you such a strong, stable foundation to fall back on when times are hard. We often take such blessings for granted but we forget that these are the very things that sustain us when we have lost the more transient trappings of social success. The sense of lack we may feel about our material and financial status can make us oblivious to our real purpose and happiness. Stop comparing your worth to others in terms of wealth and social standing, instead, focus on what you have and how you can retain it. 
Today is an opportnity to recognize and concentrate on the basics in your life, the foundation on which everything depends. Strengthen it and remember that no matter how bleak the day may be, it will pass and you still have a lot going for you.

The card representing the challenges for today is the Hermit and this one is about seeking solitude and more meaning in life. You may be thinking of spending a quiet, relaxing weekend with no responsibilities or stresses today but may find it hard to get out of the social hustle bustle of life. You may be forced into company, social events, parties with a very disinterested frame of mind and it may be annoying to have a constant buzz around you. Or you may have loads of fun and exiting times with friends and family but it might be followed by an inexplicable weariness and boredom.
You may be gripped by a feeling of having lost something but be unable to find it despite your frantic attempts to look for it. It will be a bit of a challenge to discover serenity and peace of mind within rather than outside. Do not attempt to run away from society today, it will only make you more anxious. Just keep going with the flow today without the pressure to 'search' for happiness and meaning. Basically, stop focusing on what's not there or what is missing, concentrate on what is.

Both the cards today represent the elemental energy of Earth and point to a need for more grounding. Keep up your familiar routines and the mundane chores that have to be done no matter how dispirited you may be feeling..sometimes, just doing things as if on auto pilot can recharge our batteries and energize us. Take care of the basic stuff today, your health, get adequate rest and remember that the most ordinary things in life have the potential to be most magical. Look for the mundane and you just might get a glimpse of the magical. Have a great day!

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