Monday, April 30, 2018

The Moon and the Hermit

The Moon card in tarot shows two dogs on land baying at the moon and a crayfish crawling out of the sea. The card number is 18 that reduces to 9 (1+8). Number nine in numerology often relates to karmic influences. 
The dogs represent animals - animal instincts - irrational emotions that are stirred in the presence of moonlight, a cosmic force beyond our comprehension or control. 

The crayfish does not belong in the dry land. It is a creature of the deeps. It lives in deep waters. Water is both scientifically and metaphysically the source or origin of life; here, it represents past lives. The water is pulled by the moon. The past lives are pulled into our unconscious. The moon triggers old memories, unconscious feelings, often strange, unrecognizable reactions that come not only from our present life but also from the many other lives we have lived. Often around full moon, many people experience uneasy, upsetting emotions that are not easily understood.  

Moonlight has a soul purpose in bringing these remnants from the past into the present. We may not comprehend or have conscious awareness of these links and pieces of the puzzle that we are. We can only remain receptive to the influence of the forces that guide or overwhelm us at different times.

This is a time of limited light or darkness. Sunlight is missing. The Sun represents our Soul, the constant force that powers us, the blazing brilliance that shines through us all. The Moon represents the ever changing Mind with its myriad forms, its rhythmic rising and falling. Both have a purpose. One rules the day, the other night. While the mind is affected by all kinds of influences, the Soul remains unaffected. The Moon has no light of its own. It shines by reflection, unlike the Sun which generates its own light through fusion, by drawing on the cosmic source of energy. The Soul directs; the mind only reflects. 

The Hermit card is given the number 9. It shows us a way through the darkness. The Moon card itself gives us a hint of this way - the narrow path originating from the sea where the crayfish is surfacing and through the land where the animals are howling, right up to the top of a mountain in the distance. We have to make a difficult journey, we have to rise from the depths of despair to the top of the mountain of wisdom.

So what does the Hermit tell us to do? It says, when the Sun is hidden, we can light a lamp. Knowledge is the light of the lamp. It will guide us in the dark. It will help us reach the top of the mountain. The Hermit also shows us that we need to make this journey alone and without any baggage. Just like a hermit gives up all material possessions on his solitary pursuit, we must leave behind the burdensome expectations, the unrealistic desires, the illusions of our chaotic life below and seek higher ground. All we need to carry in this journey is our inner strength (represented by the staff the Hermit carries) and knowledge (the lamp). 

This is the way through the moonlight, a time of darkness that we often cannot make any sense of. Remember, as they say, it is always darkest before dawn. We must hope for the dawn, keep our eyes focused on it. The Sun will never fail us. Trust the Sun to always enlighten our tomorrows, to not only shine the light but also make our burdens light. 

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Tarot Practice - About Healing

The Osho Zen tarot is a beautiful deck of cards that are structured as a regular 78-card tarot deck but do not follow the traditional symbolism. Moreover the cards are given names that seem quite ‘non-traditional’ but make sense when you dig a little deeper. I often use it as an oracle to provide clarity on the ‘bigger’ questions of life, not just the mundane, everyday concerns.

The Layout: This is a four card reading that uses the tarot itself to elicit the question as well as provide the answer. I drew one card from the Osho Zen tarot deck that represents the question, and three other cards that provide the answers.
The question card I drew is named ‘Healing’ and it corresponds to the King of Cups in the traditional Rider Waite Smith (RWS) tarot.

Question:  What is Healing?

Answer 1: Healing begins with ‘Totality’
The card drawn, Totality, corresponds to the Five of Wands in the RWS tarot. It shows members of a group engaged in a complex maneuver. Every member’s participation and activity is crucial, they are operating as a unit. There is a feeling that you’re one of the cogs in this beautiful machinery. You realize the importance of working with others, of acknowledging and accepting their support. Perhaps for healing to take place, this is the first step – the recognition of ourselves as part of a group with a common, shared purpose. It could be the people you work with, your friends or family. The Totality of Life Experience is not just a sum of our individual experiences but also the collective experience of life that we share in our relationships with others.

Answer 2: Healing requires ‘Courage’
The card drawn, Courage, corresponds to the Strength card of the major arcana in RWS tarot. It shows a tiny flower making an arduous journey of courage to survive against all odds in a rocky, difficult environment. It is weak and has nothing to depend on but only a quiet courage and determination to live. It refuses to give up and ultimately thrives in an environment where nothing else seems to grow. Perhaps healing is about facing not only your inner weaknesses but also external difficulties with courage, patience and faith. Perhaps what can heal you is within you. You have to summon the courage to heal yourself.

Answer 3: Healing is important because ‘We are the World’
The card drawn is the Ten of Pentacles, which, in this particular deck, is named ‘We are the World’.
The tens in tarot are about change, cyclical completion and transformation. The card seems to resonate the meaning of the first card which was the five of wands. Five is the mid-point in the decimal number line (1-10), ten is its completion. While in the earlier card it is probably just the people we know and share our lives with, here we embrace the idea of a larger community. Here, we join hands with the world beyond our immediate borders instead of keeping ourselves separate from it.

Perhaps healing occurs when we realize we are all in it together, united not just by common causes or interests but by the fact of our basic underlying unity, our humanity. About feeling one with the joy and suffering of our fellow humans. Perhaps this attitude will not just enable healing in ourselves but also make us the healers for others.

Summary: The three cards together provide not just a map or a step by step action plan for how to heal ourselves but also empower us to move beyond our individual concerns and recognize the power we have to make a difference not just in our own lives but also in the lives of others. Courage as the middle card glows bright to remind us of what we are capable of. A humble flower shows the grace and light we’re capable of shining all around us.

Let the cards empower you to make a difference.
Have a wonderful day!

Tarot Practice - Three-card reading for a work situation

Serena from New Jersey says:  “There is too much politics going on in my workplace and I feel like they’re all sucking my blood. Seems like everyone is out to take advantage of me. What can I do to feel better?”

The Reading:
We asked the Tarot for guidance and drew three cards from the Universal Rider Waite tarot deck (copyright US Games Systems Inc.,1990) to answer the following questions.

Question 1: What is really happening at the workplace?

Card drawn: The Hanged Man
Interpretation: This image of a man hanging upside down suggests the themes of martyrdom and disempowerment. It corroborates Serena’s feeling of being taken advantage of, being unfairly treated or punished for no fault of hers.

The person is tightly bound with no means of escape. The situation is not likely to change in the near future so it might be best to do some soul searching to see if you are not being excessively focused on something that you cannot control at this point. It might be a difficult time for you and you will need to change your perspective to see positive value in this situation.

Question 2: What am I doing wrong?

Card drawn: Ace of Pentacles
Interpretation: Aces suggest new beginnings. But since this card is in a negative position or what should be avoided, this is not the time to make a new beginning, in case you had that in mind. Also, being a pentacles card, it relates to material issues such as money/finances, health, new work projects, etc., so trying for a new job, changing your daily routine or enhancing your investment portfolio might not be a good idea at this time. 

Pentacles often symbolize coins or something of value; here the phrase, ‘set a store by something’ comes to mind. Maybe you are giving too much value to something that should be let go. Assess your situation and prioritize your goals accordingly.

Question 3: What can I do to make the situation better?

Card drawn: Two of Swords
Interpretation: You can take some time out for the moment. Let things be instead of aiming for an overhaul. Swords symbolize mental activity and communication. Avoid taking sides. In case of a dispute with a superior or colleagues try for a reconciliation and adopt a more diplomatic stance in your professional interactions.

Summary: This spread, seen as a whole, seems to be reiterating that the situation is in a state of suspension and there will be a time lag before things will turn in Serena’s favor. Both the Hanged Man and Two of Swords suggest this theme of delays, letting go for the time being and waiting it out. The Ace of Pentacles is in a challenging position so any new changes that she may desire will have to be kept on hold.

Remember, card reading is applicable for a particular moment in time. The idea of accepting things as they are and not expending effort in changing your situation is probably the best thing to do right now. At some other time a different strategy, one that calls for initiative and action, may be more appropriate. Let the cards empower your choice of action with wisdom. And always, always trust your intuition.

Have a wonderful day!