Sunday, July 31, 2016

Ace of Cups and The Hierophant

Card image from the Smith Waite Centennial tarot deck,
Copyright U.S.Games Systems, Inc.,2009

Here's your tarot forecast for the week ahead. I am using two cards from the Smith Waite Centennial tarot deck for this reading.

Card 1: Ace of Cups - This card brings with it the promise of renewed emotional energy this week. You will find it easy to express emotions and exude positive feelings in general. This card bodes good luck in all matters of the heart and can indicate new beginnings, reconciliations and more openness in relationships.

You will find it easy to relate to people and be more accepting and forgiving of trivial differences. What matters to you at this time is showing your real side and giving people the freedom to express theirs. It's a great time to connect with and reach out to people without letting self-conscious thoughts restrict your true feelings.

Card 2: The Hierophant - This card symbolizes convention, tradition and affiliation to a higher social or religious order. It basically implies respect for conventional ways and letting yourself be guided by established processes rather than adhering to a more individualistic or radical philosophy.

This week you may find it easy to follow the tried and tested approach that has always delivered rather than try out something original. You may seek inspiration from people who seem veterans in a particular area or have had more experience and learning than you. You're eager to follow in their footsteps not just because it's easier but also because you genuinely feel it's the best approach.

This week, there is a realization that sometimes it's best to go with the flow rather than push yourself against the current. You understand that there's no harm in doing what you've always done. In taking a more passive, receptive stance to whatever the universe has to offer, you actually invite more abundance and stability into your life. Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Page of Cups and the Tower

Here's your tarot forecast for the upcoming week. I am using two cards from the Hansen Roberts tarot deck for this reading.

Card images from the Hansen Roberts tarot deck,
copyright US Games Systems, Inc.

Card1: Page of Cups - This card represents a message or information that triggers a strong emotional response in you. The energy of the Pages in tarot is receptive, earthy and easily influenced by external circumstances. You may be very sensitive and impressionable to people and situations this week, getting either too involved in emotional matters or too withdrawn depending on the circumstances.

You would do well to remember that the change happening in your outside environment does not necessarily have to change your inner landscape. A level of detachment would prevent your getting too overwhelmed by forces beyond your control. Also remember that this detachment is not about being impervious to others' feelings, it's about safeguarding your own.

Card2: The Tower - This card suggests something powerful causing an emotional upheaval or triggering an outburst of pent up feelings. It could also be something as mundane as wanting to completely overhaul your daily routine. The Tower brings change that is uncomfortable at best and violently turbulent at worst. However, this is the only way nature brings about a resolution of things long pending for release.

You may be forced out of a comfortable zone physically, emotionally, intellectually or spiritually this week but at the end of it you will find acceptance and learn an important lesson for growth. The best way to go through the Tower energy is not to resist change but to welcome it, and to appreciate the wisdom it is trying to impart through an uneasy experience.

This week you will need to bear in mind that everything may not be in your control, that it is perhaps good that it is not. Things may shift and bring some kind of chaos in their wake, but this would help you see the bigger picture and make some important decisions about the future. Stay serene and Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, July 17, 2016

King of Cups and the Three of Wands

Here's your tarot forecast for the upcoming week. I am using two cards from the Waite Smith Centennial tarot deck for this reading to get an overview of the energies playing out this week.

Card 1: King of Cups - This card brings an element of healing and understanding. It's all about staying in control with your emotions and subconscious feelings as these may still be lurking behind the scenes. You may get some kind of help in dealing with emotional issues, perhaps a sympathetic friend or elder person who can help bring clarity to something you have been dealing with in an immature manner.

You yourself could also be playing this role to someone in need so it is important not to get drawn into other people's affairs too much or you could end up bringing your own emotional dramas to the surface. The energy of this King is best for helping others and taking a broad view of relationships rather than sorting out trivial personal issues.

Card 2: Three of Wands - This card is about expanding your conscious awareness in the light of your experiences. This is a symbol of Sun in the zodiac sign of Aries, the one concerned with asserting your individual identity and fulfilling your spiritual purpose in life.

You are fearless, dynamic and full of optimism about what is to come. You hope for the best possible outcome in every area of your life. It's also a very positive card for success in ongoing projects and getting expected results from recent endeavours. You are now ready to leave the past behind and focus determinedly on your future goals.

This week there is a clear shift in your inner landscape from the water element of the King of Cups to the fire element of the Three of Wands. After resolving complex inner feelings you move to a more dynamic and active state of mind and assume greater responsibility for your actions. Stay centered and empowered as external events bring these changes to effect. Have a wonderful week!

Monday, July 11, 2016

Ace of Pentacles and the Four of Pentacles

Here's your tarot forecast for the upcoming week using two cards from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck.
Card 1: Ace of Pentacles - This week starts with renewed focus on everyday matters and material possessions including money matters, health and the homestead. This is one of the most earthy and grounded cards in the minor arcana and often may be rooted in mundane happenings rather than something profound or exciting. Nevertheless, it acts as a foundational step to greater material security and brings a sense of connectedness to life.

This card also shows up as a reminder to keep up your basic routines no matter how pointless or excruciating they may feel at times. It is important to go through these seemingly monotonous routines as this is the 'watering-the-plants' stage of your life with much to look forward to at a later stage. Keep yourself motivated as you go about with present hardwork. It's the key to future happiness and well being.

Card2: Four of Pentacles - This card suggests a secure establishment of the life you want to lead, a consolidation of resources you have been gathering for a while and a sense of order. Astrologically, this represents sun in the zodiac sign of Capricorn so there is stability, security and groundedness in your life this week. In matters of work you would be methodical and adopt a more conventional approach, no risk taking at this time.

In personal relationships you may be reserved, inclined to preserve peace and maintain the status quo rather than stir things up for adventure. Try and remain open to the emotional energy of others instead of closing yourself off or taking things too seriously.

This week you may want to consciously remind yourself to do things with more passion than you feel. Keep a lighthearted approach to things and try and think of ways to make your everyday routines more fun and joyful. Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Ace of Wands and the Knight of Swords

Here's your weekly forecast for the upcoming week. I am using two cards from the Universal Waite Smith tarot deck for this reading.

Card 1: Ace of Wands - A new energy, a sparkling idea or a new impulse is coming your way this week, bringing loads of action and creativity. You would experience an increase in confidence and a general burst of energy at this time. You would be inspired and motivated to take charge of your life and steer it in the direction you have been wanting to for sometime now. This Ace brings tremendous vitality and vigour into your everyday actions so nothing seems mundane or trivial.

Card 2: Knight of Swords - The knights in tarot bring speed and action and this one in particular comes galloping with an impressive and almost chaotic energy. Things are sure to speed up this week and you may find yourself in a rush, trying to accomplish everything at once. Some events may take you by surprise as they occur unexpectedly and as if forced by circumstances.

The pitfall of this knight is overconfidence and an excessively intellectual approach to all things, including human relationships. This is one area where you would need to proceed with gentleness and understanding rather than get into a black and white, right and wrong argument. Try not to rub people the wrong way this week, even if they're unable to catch up with the speed of your thoughts and passionate zeal.

This week try and make the most of the high energy you possess and stay on course with your short term goals. However, stay grounded and practical where long term planning is concerned. In relationship matters you may be inclined to talk more and listen less and also come across as a tad domineering so try and temper your natural instinct with kindness and sensitivity.
Have a wonderful week!